
Thursday 28 June 2012

Lots to report! :-)

Hello there bloggers!

How are you all doing?  All is fine and dandy in my part of the world lol

First of all I have decided to concentrate on my Fairy Grandmother and Universe In A Jar plus a few of my WIP's and UFO's.  More the WIP's and UFO's during the day but as soon as I can when kids settled out will come the big projects :-)  Oh I would be silly to waste the nice lighter nights and not stitch my 'biggies' lol

I completed the two presents for the Nursery teachers and they will be given them tomorrow.  I must take a photo of them before I take them in!!  I have also done lots more on M'Ladys Strawberries and Gone Fishing so I am delighted with myself.  My stitching bug is back in full swing I am pleased to say!!

On the family front .... Cara decided to give Larry the laptop a nice drink of milk but unfortunately Larry was not thirsty and decided he didn't like ilk and stopped working on a permanent basis :-(   oooo my poor poor Larry the Laptop but I decided that with the summer hols coming up I would be a crazy woman not to have a computer for the kids (cos the old,old,very old desk top computer packed in a few weeks ago too!!) so I bought a new Laptop which has been named Larryette by by 16 year old son!!  Yes out stuff gets names lol!!

We had a big change around of bedroom and got Cara a Peppa Pig Toddler bed and Cara is now sharing a room with Katie which they both love!!  Laura and I swapped bedrooms too which I'd great because now Cara is in with Katie when I go to bed I can either stitch or read .... normally sleep lol

Lots of Photos came home from school the last week so I will get a few up on here.  I also got the school reports and I an so proud of my little ones Ryan, Conor, Mark and Katie as they have done so well this year.  Vast improvements in them all not only with their school work but also their social development which reminds me my little Cara has done so well with her social development and has won the hearts of many at the children's school.

The children finish tomorrow for 8 weeks summer holidays and we have lots planned!!  First off the whole of July is covered as I have managed to get them into a Summer Scheme at our local Community Center.  The 3 boys go to one part of the Summer Scheme whilst Katie goes to another but next year when Katie will be able to go to the same one as the boys.  I have the boys going out on trips at separate times with the scheme whilst others stay at the center just so they are not together all the day,every day. Summer Scheme ends at 1.30pm each day so we will have activities planned for the afternoons too!  lets hope the rain stays off!!

Other than all that above (not much lol) I have not been upto much ha ha :-)

Off to the last Craft Club of the school year tomorrow but we have plans for meeting up so we don't escape each other that much!!  My friends are my rock and I would miss them so much if I didn't see them.

Right I think it is time for bed.  I will up load pics asap.  Thanks for reading my ramblings!!

Bye for now,
Happy Crafting,
Take care

Love me xxxxx

Oh P.S  I have taken up a few exchanges on Swap-Bot again ....  lovely  I have missed doing exchanges .... now are there any nice relaxing reliable exchanges going on on blogger? lol


  1. You've been so busy! I can't wait to see the pics!

  2. Can't wait to see your picutres. Attached a link for an exchange

  3. Can't wait to see the pics of all that you've been up to :) Little Miss Cara sure is growing up!
