
Monday 15 October 2012

Old Stitcher ....


** Happy Dance**  ** Happy Dance**  ** Happy Dance**  

Oh this stitcher is 'cooking with gas' on the good ol' stitching front :-) lol

I am really made up with my finish and I already have my stitching at the framers!!

Cannot wait to get her back from the framers and up on my wall.

When at the craft club on Friday a few people asked me to make them a biscornu so yes I now have a couple of them to stitch and make up.  Really delighted that people like them and will use them :-)

I also have a coupe of birthday presents to make up.  Busy Busy Busy which is what I like.

Hope everyone is well today and you all had a good weekend.


  1. Well done sis is looking so pretty..
    I think it is our story ;)
    Hugs xxx

  2. That's adorable! Every stitcher should have one on her wall!
