
Saturday 1 December 2012

What a week!


Well this week has seen myself and a few of the kiddies with heavy colds but also a few things to do.

The most exciting being taking Cara to Open Day at Nursery.  She enjoyed being there to begin with but soon got restless and wanted to go and find her siblings .... oooo so cute of her!  I was amazed because with Katie being in a full day at school now the other children get the bus so we don't do school runs to school and haven't since last June. I am very impressed that Cara actually remembered going to the school!  Way to go Cara, clever girlie for a grand old age of 2!

Here she is in the car waiting to go!!

Take me to Nursery Mummy!!

This weekend sees me getting stuck into an assignment for my Open University Course then doing a bit of stitching :-)

Happy 1st of December all :-)

Take care, lots of love me xxxxxx


  1. I hope that everyone is feeling better! Have a great week!

  2. I have awarded you with the Liebster Award – Please take a look at by my blog and check out today's post! Thank you.
