
Monday 28 January 2013

What a Day!!

Good Evening all,

Well, last night my 5 younger ones came home from their fathers after their once night a fortnight sleep over ... Conor didn't really want to go as he wasn't well but he went anyway and came home still feeling unwell. His temperature was 102°F when he came home.

Mark came back sounding and looking awful!!

He was not at all well last night. Temp of 103°F Grrrr :-(

Both Conor and Mark have been off school today.  Mark will probably be off all week but Conor has already been off since Thursday so will have to see how he goes!

Both came home with a rash too :-(

Took them to the Dr's this afternoon and they both have a virus with a viral rash.  I wonder how long it will be before the other catch the bug?

The bug is going around school and just under half of Conors class was in the other day ... shocking how quick these things spread!

Plus Cara has come out in eczema around her mouth so she is not impressed at all!!

So needless to say I have got nothing stitched today but I really don't mind!

Well I'm off to bed as I'm shattered!!

Night night all

Love me


  1. Oh I'm sorry your boys are sick! I hope they get well soon and back to school so you can have some stitching time! LOL

  2. Poor things:( Fingers crossed it stays with them and doesn't spreadxxx

  3. Aww, poor babies! Hope they get better soon. I will say a prayer for them, and YOU!

  4. I hope your little ones are feeling better soon! It's so hard when our babies are sick!

  5. ohhh bless hope they all recover soon and you don't get it either ... take care :) love mouse xxxxx

  6. oh dear..hope they get better soon..big hugs for you all x

  7. Oh dear, hope their felling better by now...

  8. Wow! You have your hands full. I hope that everyone is well soon!

  9. Poor babies! No fun if they're not well. Hope they all their normal healthy selves pretty soon!

  10. Awww I hope they all get better soon! What a strange virus this is!!

  11. Awww, hope they're better soon....and that you don't come down with it!

  12. Hello Heather

    I hope your little ones feel better soon!

  13. Oh dear :( I hope everyone starts to feel better soon x

  14. Hope they all feel better soon and that you manage to stay healthy and get some stitching time.
