
Friday 1 April 2016

A is for ... #atozchallenge

A - Z Challenge 2016

A is for Aida 
Which is a fabric used for cross stitching
If your are a regular follower or
Once you become a follower you will see
That I LOVE to Cross Stitch!!

Aida has precise holes where the stitcher places each 'x' when cross stitching.

Cross Stitch on Aida 1

The holes are evenly placed and very visible to the naked eye which makes stitching that little bit easier when using aida.

Aida comes in all different colours and stitch counts! The stitch count just means how many holes per inch of fabric

For example:-

I like to use 14 count aida which means there are 14 holes per every inch! This seems to be the 'standard' fabric that many stitcher's prefer!

AIDA just isn't a name for a cross stitch fabric, whilst on my travels through 'Internet Land' I discovered that AIDA is a word also used in the world of advertising and selling!!

A = Attention (or attract)
I = Interest
D= Desire
A= Action

Well my attention is always on Cross Stitching (or sewing)
My interest will never end!
The desire is always strong!
My action plan is to go and do some more stitching!

I don't think this is quite what they mean but that's my little fun twist on it!!

The plan worked then, I see haha!!  It's all in mind ... (I'm hooked on Psychology too!) 

Cross stitching, sewing and crafts of all kinds seems to be making a come back as it is becoming increasingly popular and some do say its very therapeutic ... I have to agree with that!!  Even David Beckham is sewing clothes for his daughters dolls!!  Well what more can I say :D 

I hope you liked my post!  This is my first year participating so I hope all goes well!!  
Happy blogging!


  1. A good start to the challenge Heather. I'll definitely use the acronym in the future when thinking about my stash and which projects are the most important to work on next! :)

  2. Good luck with the Challenge! I've used Aida for a number of cross-stitching projects over the years, and have a large hiatused project on a light blue Aida, as well as a very large roll meant to be cut into pieces for different projects.

  3. I love Aida, it's so easy to work with. I was taught to cross stitch when I was 5 at primary school. I made my father a book mark on Aida and he still has it a lot of years later :).

    Sophie's Thoughts & Fumbles | Wittegen Press | FB3X

  4. I did some embroidery as a child - the technology and materials have obviously come a long way. It was interesting to read about this special fabric.

    Good luck with the challenge Heather and thank for visiting my blog.
    Anne from Australia

  5. I have always loved sewing clothes and things, but I am really bad at cross-stitch :) I just get it wrong every time. Which is sad because it's one of the things we were taught at primary school - my father still uses the bookmarks we made for him :).
    Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

    1. I didn't read my sister's (Sophie Duncan) reply before I wrote mine, I promise. Seems we had the same thought :)

  6. I need to get back to doing cross stitch!! I haven't done any in some time and I miss it!

  7. I love cross stitch also. Most projects I do are 14 count though I've also worked on 18 count.

    Susan Says

  8. I worked on a cross stich sampler. I loved it, but it took two years to complete. I just don't have the patience for that.

  9. I used to cross stitch all the time! I have long since given it up, but I still hang onto my box filled with every DMC color that I got from a magazine one time! I still open it from time to time and look at them! Haha. Welcome to the challenge!

  10. Greetings Blog Challenge neighbor!
    Looking forward to seeing what you post all month.

    Tim Brannan, The Other Side Blog
    2015 A to Z of Adventure!

  11. A lover of all kinds of needlework as a teenager. Great post. #A-Z @CazsBooks Welcome aboard Greenham's yacht

  12. Great post well done. Welcome to the challenge and good luck!
    @ScarlettBraden from
    Frankly Scarlett

    1. Thank u! I am now stalking (I mean following ...) You in twitter :D



  13. Great post Heather. I'm looking forward to reading the rest of them.


  14. Lovely post and love your interpretation of Aida! I think any kind of craft just lifts you.
    Kathryn Discovering Daisies

    1. Thank you! It's great when you have a hobby!

  15. I used to love doing cross stitch. Unfortunately my eyes just aren't up to the task these days.

    Wonderful post!

  16. Great post. Like CR Ward, I used to crosstitch, but eyes are way to kaputt for it nowadays.

  17. So many lovely results and effects possible with just one simple little stitch.....

  18. Nice start to the challenge!
