Thursday 29 July 2021

I am Back! HeatherMakes lots of bootie!

 First of all, I hope you are all well.  It has been a bumpy year or so!

So far we are all doing great.  Home-schooling, lockdown after lockdown … in school then not, then back in again then home-schooling … I felt like we were doing the hockey cokey lol

I have sewn up a storm the past 18 months.  I joined a massive sewing group here in Northern Ireland and mad over 40,000 face masks between us!!

We then went on the make a charity quilt and raised £10,000!!  As well as making memory bears and cushions, I can say I have sewn up a storm!

What were you at?  I must go around the blogs and catch up with people!  Hope you all still remember me!!  I was 'locked' out of my blog for quite sometime but I think it was me just being forgetful over email address used!!  Google would just not let me in, but I won the 'fight'!!

This cutie is Charlie bear!  A new make of memory bear for me.  

His designer is Rachel from Messy Stork

Charlie Bear

My Facebook Page is HeatherMakes

My Instagram is heathermakes_sewing

I shall get more photos on as they are on y phone and i finally manged to get back on here on the laptop!!  Typical!

Hugs ... I will be back asap!



Friday 14 February 2020

Happy Valentines Day ... Gorgeous flowers, teddy and cake from Cara ❤

All I need is right here in these photos, well, except my two big kids and grandkids as they are in different houses ... but you know what I mean 😀

I love my sewing! I love being creative. I love the fact that my kiddies or Quilty and Locky (my machines) dont criticise me, talk lies about me, lie too me, tell me Im stupid, steal from me, cheat on me, make themselves out to be something they are not, tell me Im doing things wrong, or made a mistake... blah blah blah!

These kiddies are a true inspiration and great buddies.

Happy Valentine's Day to this woman who loves being single!!

Hugs and stitches
P.s ... Ive just realised that this is my first post this year!! Ooops sorry xx

#HeatherMakes #handmade #sewing #makersgonnamake #mycreativecommunity #memade #becreative #creativity #omaghsewing #omagh #omaghtown #valentinesday2020 #JanomeMakes #aurifilthread #aurifil50wt #janomesewingseat #isew

Thursday 26 December 2019

Merry Christmas to you all!

I hope you all had an amazing time. This year ours was a quiet and calm time 🎅 In all honesty it was really nice!

Over the past few weeks I have been making many, many memory bears!! I think I am all beared out for a short while!

Time to make new things and perhaps learn new skills!

As we head into 2020 I already have a few projects planned and two Community projects in the 'pipe line'!

I have a good feeling on my bones that 2020 will be a good year (providing it all goes to plan 🤣!)

This is my moto for 2020!

Have a great and safe trip into 2020

Love and hugs


Thursday 21 November 2019

Sew sew long since I wrote a post!!

Hello! Life has been on crazy day after another! Where has the time gone too?

This year has flown over ... far too fast for my liking!!

I have been busy sewing, teaching sewing, driving the school mini bus and making lots of goodies!!

So very sorry it has been so long!!

This is what I've been up too ...

I have learnt new skills!!

I have discovered the world of hoodie making!

Also legging making 😁

Here are just a few things I made over the summer and beyond!

Life has been fun and happy over the past few months. Just bouncing along innour little bubble!

Its amazing what changes when you close off the negative vibes and listen to your heart and not your head or other people!!

Next week my mum comes to visit from England. Also I am attending a craft fair. So better finish makes the goodies!!

I promise not to leave it too long before my next post!!

Lots and lots of photos on my Instagram or Facebook page
Pop over and say "Hello!"

With love and hugs

Monday 19 August 2019

Children sewing


This past few weeks have been fun but busy! Being busy is something I like!

I did a shout out on my #HeatherMakes facebook page to see if any children would like to learn to sew! The response was amazing! Last Thursday was only the second lesson but look at the things they have made so far 😊

Im sure you will agree that these children are fantastic at sewing!!

It is great fun ... roll on this Thursday!!

Happy Crafting all.

Monday 5 August 2019

Make A Softie From Your Childs Drawing

Mary Monster #sewasoftie

#sewasoftie is the wonderful creation of Trixi over at
Each day of July a different blogger posts a tutorial showing how to make a softie.  You can follow along and join in with the sewing fun!  Search #sewasoftie and you shall find us all! Just click on mine or Trixi's Instagram links below:-
For those that joined in the #sewasoftie blog hop last year may remember Martin Monster ... well here is his sister Mary! 

Mary Monster #sewasoftie 

Sewing stuffed animals and toys.

Designed and drawn by Katie aged 11 years

Download the drawing for your template 
(The template is a drawn outline to save you printer ink!!)
I started by photocopying the drawing because I didn't want to ruin the original!  You never know, one day it may be hung in a gallery worth billions!! 
I have kept her the same size too (Mary, not Katie haha)

I photocopied the main body, hair and belly also.

Gather all the felt required.
Draw around the shapes and cut them out. 
I also used 2 pre-cut hearts that I had but trimmed them down to fit Mary!

The piece for the darker blue hair on the front I made slightly longer so it was easier to sew on.

Now, sew Mary's back onto her front then stuff her with toy stuffing to bring Mary to life! 

I think she is totally lovely!  I really enjoy making my kiddies drawing come to life!  So easy to do and it gives them so much joy!  its a drawing that will not be forgotten in a hurry!

I hope you enjoyed my #sewasoftie blog hop post! 

Happy sewing

Monday 8 July 2019

No Business Like Sew Business


Today I was in the newspaper!!

The Tyrone Herald did a lovely write up.😍

This is an absolutely fantastic write up. 😀

I cannot stress enough how good sewing and crafting is for Mental Health.

My aim now is to get sewing clubs into a few more schools!

Have a lovey evening.

